为什么像ChatGPT和Sora这样的人工智能产品没有出现在中国?中国是否在这场AI竞争中处于下风?这背后隐藏着怎样的科技竞争与发展瓶颈?中国科学技术发展战略研究院党委书记刘冬梅近日在接受中国日报《思享者》栏目独家专访时表示,中国的AI创新虽然起步较晚,但在诸多方面已展现出强劲的追赶势头。她也指出,中国要在这场全球AI竞赛中脱颖而出,必须解决几个关键问题。此外,对于中国滥用AI技术和侵犯隐私的指责,刘冬梅认为,国际舆论对中国AI发展的误解,部分源自于信息不对称和意识形态偏见。中美两国尤其需要加强沟通交流,以增进相互理解与信任。图源:视觉中国为什么ChatGPT、Sora没有出现在中国?中国需要怎么做来推动AI创新?Why couldn’t someone in China come up with ChatGPT or Sora? What does China need to do to promote AI innovation?在基础大模型方面,OpenAI等美国公司的确走到了领先位置。In terms of foundation models, US-based companies like OpenAI have indeed taken a lead.ChatGPT和Sora的重要性,不只在于它们当前能够做到的事情,更反映了这些美国企业在发展人工智能方面的技术水平,也预示着未来人工智能发展和应用的无限可能。ChatGPT and Sora are significant not only for what they can currently accomplish but also because they reflect the technological prowess of these US-based enterprises in advancing AI. Furthermore, they foreshadow the boundless potential of future developments and applications in AI.人工智能、特别是大模型的发展,取决于算力、算法和数据这三个关键要素。算力与芯片相关,算法与基础能力有关,数据则与语言和用户市场有关。这三个关键要素背后又是人才、巨量资金投入和创新生态问题。The development of AI, particularly large-scale models, relies on three key factors: computing power, algorithms, and data. Computing power is closely related to chip technology, algorithms depend on foundational capabilities, and data is tied to language and user markets. Behind these key factors lie the issues of talent, massive investment and innovation ecosystems.简单地说,在这几个方面美国都具有领先于其他国家的优势。Put simply, the US holds advantages over other countries in these aspects.在基础大模型方面,中国公司当前的确略微落后于美国,这背后有算力不足的原因,也有高水平人才短缺和投入不足的问题。In terms of foundational large-scale models, Chinese companies are slightly lagging behind the US. This is due to insufficient computing power, as well as shortage of high-level talent and insufficient investment.但总的来说,无论是论文发表、专利申请、风险投资的数量,还是大模型的研发,中美都是人工智能发展明显领先的两个主要国家。However, overall, both China and the US are among the leading countries in the development of AI, be it in terms of number of publications, patent applications, venture capital investment, or the research and development of large-scale models.图源:视觉中国中国要想迎头赶上,必须解决以下三个问题:To catch up in the AI race, China must focus on the following three areas:一是算力短板,特别是高性能人工智能芯片问题;First, tackling the deficiency in computing power, especially in high-performance AI chip technology.二是算法短板,根本上是高水平基础研究人才的培养问题;Second, addressing the shortfall in algorithms, fundamentally by nurturing top-tier talent in basic research.三是商业生态营造,即如何充分利用中国巨大的市场需求优势,探索能够商业落地的应用场景,尽快实现商业营利,并在应用中快速迭代发展和反哺基础模型研发,形成人工智能发展的正反馈机制。Third, fostering a robust commercial ecosystem, which involves leveraging China's vast market demand advantage to explore commercially viable application scenarios, swiftly realizing profitability, and imperatively developing and reinvesting in basic model research through application, thereby creating a positive feedback loop for AI development.中国滥用人工智能技术侵犯个人隐私?Some accuse China of abusing AI technology and infringing on personal privacy. Is the accusation valid?一些国际舆论仍然对中国的人工智能发展充满敌意。Some international perceptions about China's AI development remain adversarial.对此, 刘冬梅书记表示,这有两方面的原因。一个是近年来受到疫情和美国对华政策的影响, 许多西方国家的媒体和人员来中国少了,对中国的人工智能发展和相关政策缺乏了解,进而产生了误解;另一个就是不少西方媒体和人士习惯于意识形态挂帅和“戴着有色眼镜看人”,不能跳出自己认识上的偏见和误区。This can be attributed to two main factors. First, recent disruptions like the COVID-19 pandemic and shifts in US-China relations, have led to reduced exposure of individuals and the media in the West to China, resulting in limited understanding of its AI policies and practices, thus fostering misconceptions. Second, certain Western media entities and individuals tend to be influenced by ideological biases, hindering impartial assessment.对待这个问题,我们既需要耐心地在国际上,特别是西方媒体上做好解释工作,让国际舆论更多地了解中国的政策主张和治理实践。To address this, it's crucial to patiently clarify China's policy objectives and governance practices to the international community, particularly the Western media.同时,也需要鼓励和邀请更多西方媒体和人员到中国来多看看,与中国的人工智能企业、管理部门多些沟通交流,增进对彼此的了解和信任。Moreover, fostering greater engagement and dialogue by inviting more representatives from the Western media and individuals to China can facilitate mutual understanding and trust-building with Chinese AI enterprises and regulatory bodies.出品人:邢志刚监制:姚英 柯荣谊统筹:朱萍 何娜制片人:张霄编导:徐洁茹记者:刘建娜题图摄影:张威字幕:刘建娜 Tareq Zahir运营:刘建娜鸣谢:中国科学技术发展战略研究院